Two Baltimore City
Police Officers were suspended
Two Baltimore City Police Officers were
suspended while dining out at the Pratt Street Bistro in uniform.
According to reports, the two officers were drinking alcohol while dressed in partial uniform and displaying either a handgun or badge. The soon to be retired Bealefeld suspended both officers on the spot forcing them to turn over their weapons. Off-duty officers are required to carry their guns and badges,displaying them while drinking is against the rules. Officials declined to reveal the names of the officers.
According to reports, the two officers were drinking alcohol while dressed in partial uniform and displaying either a handgun or badge. The soon to be retired Bealefeld suspended both officers on the spot forcing them to turn over their weapons. Off-duty officers are required to carry their guns and badges,displaying them while drinking is against the rules. Officials declined to reveal the names of the officers.
Had enough?
Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S.
House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into
the police problem in America. Demand
mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent DOJ office on Police Misconduct.