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3 Suspended Police Officers Leaves Colwyn Undermanned

A state of emergency is still in effect here in Colwyn. The borough only has two patrolling deputies per shift. But right now Mayor Rutland isn't reinstating three officers placed on suspension.

The Delaware County D.A.'s office is investigating the Colwyn police dept. After a tasing incident involving a handcuffed teen in a jail cell and allegations the department tried to cover it up.

Mayor David Rutland named Lt. Seitz officer in charge while Deputy Chief Wendell Reed , Corporal Trevor Parham and Officer Michael Rucker remain off the schedule.

Seitz was originally suspended over the incident but was reinstated by Rutland because he was the highest ranking officer still left.

The city council is the only entity that has the power to reinstate an officer being investigated.
A township meeting is being held tonight at 730pm right here at the Colwyn Borough Hall. It is a regularly scheduled meeting but you can bet this incident will be brought up.

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.