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Where the hell is the US Justice Department?


Seattle WA police officer received a reprimand for ordering officers not to detain a known felon who was accused of threatening a sick woman he lived with and waving a gun in her face. The action resulted in the woman, undergoing chemotherapy, having to live on the streets for days in fear for her life. [3] http://bit.ly/zuOyMx

Oakland CA a federal judge who has been monitoring the Oakland police for compliance with court ordered reforms is considering a new way to hold officers who have been using arbitration to avoid discipline accountable for misconduct by holding them in contempt for not complying with those court ordered reforms. Such a measure would be a first in the nation and an interesting approach to deal with the problem of arbitration destroying accountability efforts in departments all over the US. [0] bit.ly/wAXg8o

New York NY police quietly revised their internal policies to allow cops to use deadly force more often and give them more legal protections for when they do. This came in the wake of the highly questionable fatal shooting of an unarmed teen but was actually in response to an incident where innocent bystanders were injured when cops fired into a crowd. [3] bit.ly/xXm7oy