Where the hell is the US Justice Department? Why don't they do something to stop mentally ill cops?
Fairfax County Police Watch: Why even bother reporting this?
Fairfax County Police Watch: Why even bother reporting this?: Fairfax County officer fatally shoots man during fight at homeless shelter. The gun happy Fairfax County police shot and killed another...
Fairfax County Police Watch: Madison police officer couple suspended
Fairfax County Police Watch: Madison police officer couple suspended: MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- The Madison Police Department has suspended an officer couple after a shooting incident in rural Columbia County. ...
Fairfax County Police Watch: police officer, dispatcher suspended
Fairfax County Police Watch: police officer, dispatcher suspended: HANCEVILLE — A Hanceville dispatcher has resigned and a city police officer and second dispatcher have been suspended without pay after a...
Fairfax County Police Greatest Hits: The case of the Naked Guy and the Fairfax County P...
Fairfax County Police Greatest Hits: The case of the Naked Guy and the Fairfax County P...: The Fairfax County Police Greatest Hits. The case of the Naked Guy and the Fairfax County Police. Woman calls police: “My neighbo...
The epidemic of mentally unstable cops in America: Phoenix officer who shot man, dog during domestic ...
The epidemic of mentally unstable cops in America: Phoenix officer who shot man, dog during domestic ...: PHOENIX — A Phoenix police officer charged with fatally shooting an unarmed man during a violent confrontation at a Phoenix mobile ...
Defense lawyer for Phoenix officer charged with murder attacks key witness, his partner
jury on Tuesday began deliberating the fate of a Phoenix police officer charged
with fatally shooting an unarmed suspect and his dog.
deliberations came after the defense attorney for now-fired officer Richard
Chrisman said the defendant’s partner made up a story that led to the charges,
and the prosecutor said the partner stood up and told the truth after seeing a
Attorney Craig
Mehrens told jurors that officer Sergio Virgillo’s testimony was designed to
protect him from allegations he left his partner alone in a dangerous situation
because he was himself scared. His client acted in self-defense, he said.
“I think
there’s good reason to believe that what you heard from officer Virgillo is not
what happened,” Mehrens said. “And what you heard from Mr. Chrisman is what he
was trained to do.”
Prosecutor Juan
Martinez said the defense was trying to work around the facts to clear
“It is a
nonsensical story that they have brought forth for you to consider,” he told
jurors, who were scheduled to resume deliberations Wednesday morning.
Chrisman faces
second-degree murder, aggravated assault and animal cruelty charges for the
fatal October 2010 shootings of 29-year-old Danny Rodriguez and his dog. He has
pleaded not guilty.
The former
officer acknowledged under questioning last week that he was the aggressor in
the early part of the confrontation but that he was just doing his job.
Chrisman and
Virgillo were called to the south Phoenix trailer park by Rodriguez’s mother,
who told them her son was violent and had punched a hole in a wall.
Chrisman and
Virgillo confronted Rodriguez at the door to the trailer, and Chrisman forced
his way inside. Rodriguez asked to see a warrant, and prosecutors say Chrisman
then put his pistol against Rodriguez’s head and told him he didn’t need one.
Mehrens says
that didn’t happen, but Martinez told jurors Tuesday that DNA on the officer’s
pistol and a bruise on the dead man’s left temple shows it happened the way
Virgillo testified.
The two
officers then had difficulty controlling Rodriguez, and both fired their stun
guns with little effect. Chrisman also used pepper spray on Rodriguez then shot
his dog, who prosecutors say was not threatening the officers.
Virgillo said
Rodriguez then got his bicycle and tried to leave the tiny trailer home, but
Chrisman would not allow it and a tussle began.
lawyer said Virgillo fled the trailer home because he was scared and couldn’t
see the events that followed.
testified that Rodriguez lifted up the bike and he thought he was going to use
it to “smash my brains in,” so he fired twice, hitting Rodriguez in the chest.
Martinez told
jurors there was no sign the bicycle had been hit with gunshot residue, and
that they should believe Virgillo’s version — that he saw what happened and
Rodriguez’s hands were up when he was shot. Mehrens said no tests were done on
the bike and jurors can’t speculate.
Mehrens told
jurors there’s just no reason a nine-year veteran officer who had never fired
his gun in the line of duty would just snap one day and kill someone for no
A second-degree
murder conviction carries a 15- to 22-year prison sentence, but mitigating
factors could reduce it to 10 years. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon,
the charge for allegedly putting the gun to Rodriguez’s head, carries a 5- to
15- year sentence. The misdemeanor animal cruelty charge carries no jail time.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Video Released in New Orleans Cop Slaying of UnarmedMan
Wendell Allen was slain during a botched drug raid at his home.
New Orleans law enforcement authorities have released a video that captured the shooting of an unarmed black man by police as they entered his home last year during a botched drug raid.
Former New Orleans police officer Joshua Colclough was sentenced to four years in prison last month in the shooting death of Wendell Allen in March 2012, which ignited racial tensions and calls for justice.
New Orleans District Attorney Leon Cannizarro says at least five Orleans and Jefferson Parish lawmen were involved in the raid of Wendell Allen's Prentiss Street home. One was wearing a pin camera that captured images of what happened that evening.
The video is shaky and the date on the video is wrong, but it's a record of the March 7, 2012 shooting of Allen ...
"The officers obtained a search warrant to search the premises where Wendell Allen and two others were located," he said.
The shaky camera shows the stairs of the home, but Allen is not visible. NOPD Officer Josh Colclough was on the stairs. The DA explains what happened next.
"Wendell Allen appears from behind the partition. He appears at the top of the stairwell. Officer Colclough takes his gun and fires one shot striking Mr. Allen in the chest."
The sound of the shot on the tape is clear. "That bullet causes death," the DA tells us.
I'm a Fairfax County Cop Because Walmart Isn't Hiring: The world dumbest people gathe ron the police forc...
I'm a Fairfax County Cop Because Walmart Isn't Hiring: The world dumbest people gathe ron the police forc...: NYPD officer accidentally shoots two female bystanders while trying to stop a man running into traffic A New York police officer accid...
Fairfax County cops execute another unarmed man
The Fairfax County Police shot an killed an unarmed man who
was alone in his home. The police caused the situation, they escalated the
situation and they handled it poorly and are expected to take several weeks to
develop their justification story.
said they were responding….in force with a tank, a helecopter, a SWAT team, K-p
units, and no less than 23 cops to a “Domestic dispute” but
Geer was alone in the house. The victim of this police shooting this time was John
Geer, age 46, a kitchen installer with no history of violence had to end in
death. He left behind two teenage
According to Geer’s father, Geer had been throwing his estranged wife’s
belongings, she is 24 years old, into the front yard because she was leaving
him, so she called the cops who marked the call as a domestic dispute. She was
asked if there were guns in the house and she said there was. The weapons were
under lock and key
There's a Maura Harrington listed at the same address where the
killing took place.
Neighbors recalled him as even-keeled, outgoing and helpful.
A search of police records in Fairfax County showed that Geer was found guilty
of drunken driving in 2010 but no convictions for violent crimes or more
serious offenses. A neighbor said he talked to Geer in the minutes before the
police encounter. He said that Geer didn’t say anything suicidal but he was
deeply shaken about the impending breakup.
For forty minutes the cops demanded that Geer, who stood at
his front door, for forty minutes "They just continued to tell him: come
out, come out, come out," said one witness.
Geer had not showed the cops any sort of weapon nor had he advanced
toward them. He made no mention of harming himself or others. Geer’s hands were
up in the air, seconds before he was gunned down because they were on top of
the storm door. He as shot in the chest while slowly lowering his hands. He had
no weapon in his possession and there was no weapon within his reach.
Shot in the chest, Greer pushed his way back into the house
and bled to death. The heros from the SWAT team entered the house by way of
tank one hour later and found Geer dead.
Same old Culture of Contempt, different name.
How do we solve the police corruption problem in Fairfax County?
We bring in fresh blood. We hire
someone who will adjust the attitude of arrogance and entitlement that permeates
the department, an outsider who will change the culture of contempt and
brutality that is the Fairfax County police.
With an honest police chief, meaning someone who wasn’t bred in the
Fairfax County Police department, we won’t need to discuss a citizen oversight
panel to investigate entrapment and murders by the cops-from –another-county on
the local citizenry.
With an ethical man or woman at
the top of the Neanderthal chain, the cops reckless spending could be roped in
and the several thousand yearly misconduct complaints against the police would
actually be investigated and the results of those investigations would be made
public, since, after all, the public pays for them.
And no, the Fairfax County Police ARE NOT investigating complaints
against them. Snap out of it. This isn’t a fairy tale. This is a police
force out of control and to prove that, not one incident report on the killing
of eight unarmed citizens in the past decade has been released to the public in
all probability because they were never investigated in the first place.
Anyway, back to an honest police chief.
The board of supervisors would fire an honest chief who tried to drag
the Fairfax County police force into the light of day. They’d fire him and they
would do it within a year. And they would do that because it’s really
a matter of values which is why Sharon Bulova and her cronies will never bring
in an outside person to manage the police.
What the board wants is someone who has no values, someone who won’t
question the practice of sweeping complaints about the cops under the carpet.
And most importently they want someone who will make damn sure the right
political contributions arrive into the right hands.
To prove the point, instead of hiring an outsider who will change
things, Bulova and her friends promoted whatever the hell is name is as chief
of police….it doesn’t matter what his name because he doesn’t matter. He won’t
rock the boat. He won’t change anything. That’s what matters to those people. To
prove the point, when asked what his plans for the department are, Chief
whats-it responded that he intended to hire more cops under the guise of
diversity. We don’t need more cops, of any color or creed. More cops will just
add to the problem. Fix the cops we have and then hire new ones.
It doesn’t matter, really. None of this matters because it will never
change. This guy, chief what’s his face,
will put in his time and retire with a pension that would make him a
millionaire in most 3rd world countries.
And when he goes, the next irrelevant person chosen from the inside the
department will take his place and nothing will change and Fairfax County, a
21st century place, will go on with its 19th century police force.
And no, correcting the corrupt and often
criminal Fairfax County Police Department won’t be solved by police oversight
because oversight can’t fix the core of the problem within the Fairfax County
Police Department which is contempt by the cops for the citizens who pay them (and
pay them much too much, way above the national average)
Oversight in Fairfax County will solve nothing except to give a bunch of
angry and bored retired guys something to do while adding even more bureaucracy
to a county government already saturated in red tape, overhead and redundancy.
Want an example of costly overhead and redundant positions? Former
police chief Rhorer’s six figure salaried job as “extra special police chief” or
Head Dwarf in charge or whatever the hell he is this month, can’t be justified any
more than the board of supervisors can explain the 20,000 foot, multimillion
dollar addition to the McLean police palace or the several hundred unused cars
the police department purchased and doesn’t use or the small fortune of public
money the cops are secretly pouring into drones.
Aside from not doing anything to change the cop’s culture of contempt
the claim that a citizen’s review board
would protect the public from continued
unlawful actions by the Fairfax County Police is unfounded . The fact is that is
no evidence can be found anywhere in the United States to justify that claim.
Citizen’s review boards do not curtail violence and other felonious activities
by the police upon the citizenry because virtually every citizen’s review board
in the nation is a dismal failure. Most are powerless to enforce their will and
are manipulated into subservience by local politicians, people like Bulova and
Hyland and that’s exactly what will happen in Fairfax County if we get
It’s also not true that a citizen’s review board would protect the
police department from unjustified criticism by the public. Snap out of it….the cops in this county don’t give
damn what the public thinks. That’s mean
you. They could care less what you think. You have no value to them and in so
long as the board of supervisors continues to reward the cop’s culture of
contempt the police will continue not to give a damn about what the public
thinks of them or anything else.
Bulova and Hyland handed us an “independent
auditor” to investigate the hundreds and hundreds of complaints about abusive
behavior by the occupying force of outsiders that is the Fairfax County Police.
And to their credit they did with a straight face and doing anything straight
must have been a real chore for Hyland but anyway……the reason the board of
supervisors dreamt up the “independent auditor” wasn’t to derail calls for
police oversight. They did it because they can fire anyone in the position who
either audits the police or acts independently.
Elected officials, generally, are
all about power and live in the cult of self adoration. They don’t want or give a damn about what’s
good for you. They want what’s good for them and controlling the “independent
auditor” is what’s good for them. Citizens controlling a police review board
does not benefit members of the board of supervisors in any way, shape, manner
or form. In fact, police oversight would draw attention away from people like Sharon
“Show me the money” Bulova and Gerry Dearie Hyland and it would sap their
control over the county.
Besides, the fact that the board of supervisors funds almost 100
advisory boards but can’t bring itself to create a citizens advisory board
should tell the citizens advisory board advocates that a citizens review panel
ain’t gonna happen.……..so snap out of the piss trance and revert to plan B and
make a real difference, here and now, through political action and pulic awareness
because police oversight until pigs fly….pun intended.
If you want change don’t expect the local government to bring about that
change. The only way to rein the police in is to fire the people who hire the
cops and you will only be able to do that if you have grass roots support. Form
a political action. Work the polling precinct with handouts on the issue of
police corruption. That should be easy
since Virginia seems to have elections every three weeks.
Build blogs and websites aimed at informing
the people of Fairfax County about how corrupt, contemptuous and bloated the
Fairfax County Police are. Send speakers
to community groups and churches to bring the issue to light. People will listen if you give them something
to listen too and if you include them in the process.
Police oversight isn’t the silver bullet that will end the systematic corruption
and contempt that is the Fairfax County Police ebcuase the answer to fixing the
Fairfax County Police isn’t one thing it’s many things.
Not running the police department like a secret hillbilly cult is also
part of the answer.
Firing Sharon Bulova and keeping
her out of public office forever is a very large part of the answer.
Holding Gerry…that’s Gerry with G dearies…..Hyland accountable for his
“spend whatever the cops want” actions over the past few years is part of the
answer as well.
Putting a stop to the cops costly an unneeded publicity campaign is part
of the answer.
Forcing the cops to live in the county that pays them (and again, pays
them better than the national average) is part of the answer.
Cutting the police budget by at least 20% and placing that cash where
it’s needed (Schools, highways, more roads) is part of the answer.
Explaining to the cops that using lethal force when unnecessary is a bad
thing. So is setting up school teachers and eye doctors for false arrest. The
cops don’t understand that those are morally wrong things to do and their
actions support the claim.
As to the suggestion of bringing in the FBI to investigate possible
civil rights violation by the Fairfax County Police. Forget it, that ain’t
gonna happen in a Democratic stronghold while we have a Democratic
administration in the White House.
Besides investigating civil rights violations isn’t what we need to
investigate. What we need to investigate is the reason that our elected
officials are so hell bent on making the cops happy. To find that out, don’t
send in the FBI send in the IRS to investigate the hundreds of nickel and dime
political contributions that come into the Board of Supervisors campaign offers.
Have the auditors pay special attention to those contributions that come in
from Louden and Prince William Counties….you know…those two places where 80% of
the Fairfax County police force lives.
And the investigators should ask “Are these low ball contributions,
intended to fly in under the radar, coming from the sons, daughters, in-laws
and other relatives of the Fairfax County Police at the urging of the cops
union and if so, what are the cops getting in return at our expense? A lot, actually.
Fairfax County Supervisor John W. Foust: Hey John, now you can't say you didn't know: Fairf...
Fairfax County Supervisor John W. Foust: Hey John, now you can't say you didn't know: Fairf...: As we've been saying for years, the Fairfax County Police are out of control A Prince William County jury recommended that James ...
Drugged up cops, its not an epidemic, its a source of income for the cops too.
Federal prosecutors say a
second former Philadelphia cop has been charged in the alleged robbery of
suspected drug dealers while on duty. U.S. Attorney's office says a new indictment
unsealed charges 27-year-old Sydemy Joanis along with 23-year-old Jonathan
Garcia with conspiracy, robbery, attempted robbery and firearms crimes.
Authorities allege that they
enlisted another person to buy drugs, then made arrests during phony traffic
stops and stole money they recovered between December 2009 and June2012.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
More drunk cops
A Mason City Iowa cop named James
Gray Jr has been accused of drunken driving.
He was charged with operating
under the influence and with having an open container of alcohol in his
vehicle. Gray already faces a charge of child endangerment in connection with a
Jan. 24 incident. He's pleaded not guilty.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Bladensburg Md. cop Ridwan Osanyinpeju has been charged with theft
Bladensburg Md. cop Ridwan
Osanyinpeju has been charged with theft in a credit card fraud case. Authorities
say he stole more than $4,000 by illegally billing a woman's credit card. According
to charging documents obtained by News4, Osanyinpeju created an online account
for a business called Morid Protection Services in late January.
About two weeks later, someone
claiming to be a Missouri woman requested a duplicate credit card to be mailed
to a Baltimore address, which was then used to pay Morid Protection Services
$4,205. The woman whose credit card number was used contacted authorities when
she realized what had happened.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
East Haven Connecticut — East Haven's Board of Police Commissioners has suspended,
East Haven Connecticut — East
Haven's Board of Police Commissioners has suspended, without pay, one of four cops
arrested on federal civil rights charges after being accused of harassing
Latinos. The cop is Dennis Spaulding. Spaulding
was charged in January 2012, along with Sgt. Dennis Miller and Officers Jason
Zullo and David Cari. They were accused of targeting Latinos for harassment.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
More idiots at work
Texas a town with a history of racial unrest on Monday fired two white
police officers recently captured on video slamming the head of Keyarika
"Sha" Diggles, a black woman,
into a countertop and wrestling her to the ground. “The amount of force used
was abominable,” the woman's attorney, Cade Bernsen said. Diggles, 25, was
brought to the jail on May 5 for an unpaid fine. She was was on the phone with
her mother trying to arrange to get the $100 owed when cop Ricky Grissom cut
off the call.
There’s no audio on the video,
but Diggles and Grissom were apparently arguing when Cunningham comes in behind
Diggles and attempts to handcuff her. When she appears to raise her hand to be
cuffed, Cunningham grabs Diggles by the hair and slams her head into a
countertop. The officers wrestle Diggles to the ground before dragging her by
her ankles into a jail cell. “She got
her hair pulled out, broke a tooth, braces got knocked off … it was brutal,” the
lawyer. Diggles was charged with resisting arrest for arguing with the officers,
a charge dropped by he cops.
Al. cop Walter Louis Lefroy has been charged with burglary. Lefroy, was arrested and charged May 30 with
third-degree burglary just a few hours after he resigned from the police force.
Former Ashville NC city Human
Resources Director Lisa J. Richmond is suing police officials and City Manager
Gary Jackson, alleging she was falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted in a
case involving human resources department employees who misused their flexible
spending health care accounts.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Idiots at work
The family of Raul Rosas Jr.
has sued the city of Fresno and Fresno County for wrongful death, negligence
and police brutality. The civil-rights
lawsuit alleges that cops responding to a domestic-violence report on June 5,
2011 handcuffed and pepper-sprayed Rosas, then sprayed his face with a hose
when he lost consciousness.
The complaint says Rosas
choked, lapsed into a coma and never recovered. He died about four weeks later.
Natchez, Mississippi: Debra
Pernell-Simmons, a retired Detroit Public Schools teacher, who had complained
of mistreatment when she was tased by police for filing the complaint.
Texas cops ransacked the home of Jose and Maria Perez, an elderly couple looking
for drugs, and finding none, forced the husband to set up a
cocaine dealer and took a kilo for themselves, the couple claim in court. They
have sued Hidalgo County, Sheriff Guadalupe "Lupe" Trevino and the
City of Mission in Federal court. Five sheriff's officers, including members of
the unit mentioned in the Perezes' lawsuit, pleaded guilty this week to drug
charges. The complaint reads "In
July 2012, Jose G. Perez and his wife, Maria Guadalupe Perez ... were sitting
in their home when six armed men burst into their home demanding drugs,"
the complaint states. "These invaders were agents and officers of the
Panama Unit of the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department and officers of the
Mission Police Department. These intruders proceeded to ransack the furniture
and broke open cabinets searching for their illegal prize. When the intruders found nothing in the home
of plaintiffs, they forced the elderly couple into an unmarked SUV, and told
Jose G. Perez to 'call someone that sells drugs or else.'
Worth cops tasered an overweight asthmatic to death in drug raid that uncovered
no drugs. 350 pound Jarmaine Darden, the 34-year-old father dead
after he was tased multiple times by the cops who kicked in his door. Family
members said that they pleaded with the cops because Darden couldn't drop to
the ground on his stomach as the commanded because he suffered from asthma.
“They physically pulled him off the couch because, like I said, he was asleep.
They pulled him off the couch and they tried to put him on his stomach. He
can’t breathe on his stomach. He don’t even lie on the bed on his stomach,”
said Donna Randle, the mother of victim.
a hearing-impaired Washington woman failed to follow cop orders, because she
couldn't hear them, the cops pucnhed her in the face as she
tried calling 911 for help: In a recording of the 911 call, Graham can be heard
saying: “You attacked me before you said anything! There is no point whatsoever
for you to touch me like that, especially with my condition, so how dare you
even touch me?” Another responding cop
punched Graham in the face a few times, while telling Graham not to resist
arrest because he realized he wa son an open mic.
Cary Ball Jr was shot 25 times by St. Louis, MO. Police.
According to the cops….and only the cops…. Ball… an honor student with a 3.86 GPA,
majoring in human services at Forest Park Community College, where he had been
celebrated as an “emerging scholar.”… refused to pull over for a traffic stop,
crashed into a parked car, and started running. According to cops Ball pointed
a semi-automatic handgun at the cops prompting them to open fire. But several
dozen wittness have sworn that Ball threw his gun on the ground and was walking
toward police with his hands up to surrender when he was shot. The family
suspects that Ball’s older brother, Carlos Ball, probably ran from the police
because, as an ex-convict, it was illegal for him to possess a gun.
A California sheriff's deputy
needlessly tasered and then shot George I. Ramirez
to death after his father
called 911 seeking help for his son's depression, the family claims in court. The father says he
called 911 on April 16, 2012, seeking help for his son. He told the 911
operator that his son was depressed, but never said that the family was in
danger or that a crime was in progress. A cop named Parra responded, finding
the father changing a headlight and the mother indoors doing housework. The
family says Parra asked about the son's whereabouts, but did not ask for
details regarding his condition or why the family called 911. Parra found Ramirez on the couch watching
television, unaware that his family had called 911. Parra confirmed his
identity and placed him under arrest by ordering him to stand up and turn
around, according to the complaint. "In the process of standing up and complying
with orders, Ramirez asked Parra why he was under arrest and if he could see
his credentials," the complaint states. The cop responded by tasering Ramirez
and shot him to death minutes afterwards.
New York the State Senate, led by an idiot State Senator Joseph Griffo (R-Rome)
a bill that would make annoying a policeman a felony. “Police cannot do their
jobs if everyone is going to dispute their authority” Griffo the idiot said “We
hope that by making it a felony to annoy an officer those accosted by the
police will learn that the easiest path for them is to just do as they are
told. If there are any legitimate beefs to be dealt with they can be taken up
later by the lawyers.”
cop Bryan Woodyard has been charged with official misconduct for allegedly
keeping a gun that a woman turned in to police for disposal.
Cramer, Reynoldsville Pa. cop will be reinstated. Cramer, suspended
since April 12 without pay, will be reinstated with back pay, the borough
council decided Friday. Cramer was suspended with pay at a special meeting
March 11 2013 for charges including conduct unbecoming a cop and asking another
cop to sign a document and changing items in the police log book. Reinstatment…boy,
that’ll teach a lesson he’ll never forget.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Even more drunk and drugged up cops
Cook County prosecutors dropped
drug charges today against a 28-year-old Elk Grove Village man named Victor
Alvarado following a judge’s ruling that his guilty plea was based on the
testimony of a Schaumburg cop named Matthew Hudak who is now under indictment
for drug conspiracy charges. Alvarado pleaded guilty to possession of 15 to 100
grams of cocaine. Thank you officer
Hudak for letting a drug dealer go free.
Off-duty San Antonio cop Sergio
Hernandez was arrested and escorted from a local sports bar, after patrons and
bartenders complained he was pushing and shoving his way into the bar after
closing time. Witnesses say he tried to kick his way back into Stacy’s Sports
Bar in the 3800 block of Blanco Road. The bar had already announced last call
for alcohol some 30 minutes earlier and had asked Hernandez to leave.
Witnesses said that Hernandez
was belligerent and tried to leave the bar with a drink in his hand. They said
he also threatened patrons and bar staff that he’d return to retaliate against
Suspended Indianapolis cop David
Bisard returned to court where defense attorneys once again asked a judge throw
out critical blood evidence in the case. Bisard was charged with driving drunk
for the second time in April. His blood alcohol level tested at nearly three
times the legal limit after he crashed a pickup truck in Lawrence.Because of
the charges facing him from his first DUI arrest stemming from the August 2010
crash that killed Eric Wells, 30 and injured two others, Judge John Surbeck,
Jr. ordered Bisard to be held in jail without bond until his trial in
Charles Kelly, a Pennington Gap cop who pleaded guilty to dealing prescription
drugs will spend less than a year in prison. Kelly was sentenced to six-months in federal
prison and ordered to undergo three years of supervised probation. Kelly was
also fined $450. Kelly is the second cop from Pennington Gap to be sentenced in
federal court during the past month. In May, police chief William Bryan Young
was given a nine-year prison sentence in an unrelated case by Jones at a
hearing in federal court in Big Stone Gap. Young pleaded guilty to charges of
distributing narcotics while on duty and orchestrating the robbery of the
town's Rite Aid Pharmacy.
on-duty NYPD detective named David Rojas was arrested for drunk driving
in the Bronx. Inspector Kevin Catalina, the commanding officer of the 44th
precinct, spotted while he appeared to be intoxicated about 3:15 p.m. He was
arrested and suspended at the 44th precinct and charged with two counts of
operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Charged CSPD officer to keep pension
A state association governing pensions for police officers and
firefighters said that a Colorado Springs sergeant James Butierres charged with
crimes on the job won't lose his pension. Butierres retired from the police
department Friday, a day after being formally charged with forgery and theft.
He's accused of falsifying his time sheet and misusing grant money related to a
car theft enforcement program.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
worst of the month
The worst case is from
Bolivia, North Carolina. According to the complaint filed by a minor’s guardian
ad litem, a police officer, Jaymin Lenwood Murphy, came to a home to
investigate allegations that an adult had sent inappropriate photos via cell
phone to a minor child. The officer said he needed to question the minor in
private. Once in private, the officer had the minor remove her clothing so he
could take photos for his ‘investigative file.’ It gets worse. The officer
later returned on minor’s fourteenth birthday and raped her.
The runner-up story comes
from Bakersfield, California. A 21-year-old woman called the police to report a
burglary. Two deputies arrived and one led her into a room where she was then
sexually assaulted under the pretense of a ‘pat-down’ search by the deputy. The
authorities did move promptly against this deputy–so good for them.
fairfax county police
fairfax county police
Hey kids...guess what time it is
It’s time for ….
Gerry (With a G) Hyland’s
anal…sorry....ANNUAL steam bath with cops!!!!
Hi Folks, I'm Gerry Hyland. I give away your money and I mostly give it to cops who don't even live here in the county.
Sure, the high schools are jammed packed with too many kids and not enough teachers and okay, so we don't have enough roads.
That's not important. (to me)
What's important (to me) is that the cops get Drones to watch you with, money for their navy and air force and new police stations that are built to suit royalty and replace perfectly fine existing buildings..and let's not forget those retirement packages lined with gold.
A new meal tax introduced by me will solve everything.
To make sure the cops continue to get my support, I am once again having my anal steam bath with cops......
in the end, I'll get my way.
Again, every other cop is a common thief
Lee County, Florida: A
deputy was arrested and charged with robbery. The victim accepted a ride back
to his residence from the officer, but the officer didn’t drive the victim
home, instead he drove to a nearby location. Once they arrived there, the
victim was battered and robbed by the officer. In a statement, the Sheriff
said, “words simply can’t express my disgust and disbelief. Mike Ronga has been
arrested and jailed like a criminal should be and his betrayal of our office
and the public trust is unforgiveable.” ow.ly/kKecn
Another drunk cop
St. Petersburg officer suspended after crashing his patrol car
ST. PETERSBURG — A St. Petersburg police officer who crashed his cruiser while speeding to join a police chase has been suspended for five days.
Officer Timothy Reyes, 29, was driving 110 mph in a 40 mph zone during an authorized chase March 24, St. Petersburg police said.
Reyes told other officers he was going east on 54th Avenue S near the 1900 block when a car pulled out in front of him. He swerved to avoid hitting it.
Investigators said Reyes' cruiser hit the median, slid and flipped. It hit a wooden pole, a metal fence and a tree before stopping. Debris from the pole damaged two parked cars.
All told, the crash caused $30,754 in damage.
Witnesses told officers they didn't see another car pull in front of Reyes. One witness reported seeing a car nearby but didn't know if it prompted Reyes to swerve.
Reyes, who was wearing his seat belt, was pulled from his cruiser and treated for his injuries.
Reyes previously was disciplined for causing a crash on Sept. 26, 2011, a fact officials considered when determining his current discipline.
Police spokesman Bill Proffitt said Reyes was suspended for carelessness, inefficiency and not taking due care to avoid an accident.
St. Petersburg police policy states officers in a chase can "exceed the posted speed limit by up to 25 mph, taking into account traffic, road and weather conditions," according to a department report. Reyes exceeded the speed limit by 70 mph.
The misconduct report stated the crash was "preventable."
The chain of events began about 12:40 a.m. March 24 when a 2002 Cadillac Deville was stolen from a gas station. About 20 minutes later, a man in a Kia intentionally, police say, swerved into oncoming traffic and rammed one of the officers searching for the Cadillac. That officer was not hurt.
Saying the driver had committed aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, the St. Petersburg Police Department authorized pursuit of the Kia.
Before the guidelines were loosened in 2010, St. Petersburg had a policy that allowed officers to chase only people suspected in violent crimes. Police can now chase suspects in lesser crimes like burglary and auto theft.
Officer Timothy Reyes, 29, was driving 110 mph in a 40 mph zone during an authorized chase March 24, St. Petersburg police said.
Reyes told other officers he was going east on 54th Avenue S near the 1900 block when a car pulled out in front of him. He swerved to avoid hitting it.
Investigators said Reyes' cruiser hit the median, slid and flipped. It hit a wooden pole, a metal fence and a tree before stopping. Debris from the pole damaged two parked cars.
All told, the crash caused $30,754 in damage.
Witnesses told officers they didn't see another car pull in front of Reyes. One witness reported seeing a car nearby but didn't know if it prompted Reyes to swerve.
Reyes, who was wearing his seat belt, was pulled from his cruiser and treated for his injuries.
Reyes previously was disciplined for causing a crash on Sept. 26, 2011, a fact officials considered when determining his current discipline.
Police spokesman Bill Proffitt said Reyes was suspended for carelessness, inefficiency and not taking due care to avoid an accident.
St. Petersburg police policy states officers in a chase can "exceed the posted speed limit by up to 25 mph, taking into account traffic, road and weather conditions," according to a department report. Reyes exceeded the speed limit by 70 mph.
The misconduct report stated the crash was "preventable."
The chain of events began about 12:40 a.m. March 24 when a 2002 Cadillac Deville was stolen from a gas station. About 20 minutes later, a man in a Kia intentionally, police say, swerved into oncoming traffic and rammed one of the officers searching for the Cadillac. That officer was not hurt.
Saying the driver had committed aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, the St. Petersburg Police Department authorized pursuit of the Kia.
Before the guidelines were loosened in 2010, St. Petersburg had a policy that allowed officers to chase only people suspected in violent crimes. Police can now chase suspects in lesser crimes like burglary and auto theft.
Williamson police officer charged with DUI found dead in KY
A police officer who was charged with driving under the influence has died, according to Williamson Police Chief Dave Rockel.
Mingo County officials confirm that Williamson police officer Jefferson Taylor III, 27, was discovered dead on Monday.
Taylor's body was found near Hardy in Pike County, Ky., where his mother is believed to live, according to sources within the West Virginia State Police.
The Kentucky State Police Dept. is handling the investigation at this time.
Rockel said he cannot comment on the cause of death at this time.
"We're hurt another one of our officers has passed," Rockel said.
Taylor was suspended without pay after Kentucky State Police charged him with driving under the influence.
Jefferson Taylor III, 27, was charged with DUI and leaving the scene of an accident after troopers in Pike County, Kentucky said he crashed his cruiser last week, according to court documents.
Rockel said his department was conducting an internal investigation into the DUI incident, which will coincide with the Kentucky State Police investigation
Bitten by a Drunk Chicago Cop, Woman Says
CHICAGO (CN) - A drunk, off-duty Chicago cop bit a woman's thigh so fiercely she required medical treatment - yet his cronies charged her with disorderly conduct, she claims in court.
Lisa Murata sued Chicago and 11 police officers, in Federal Court.
"On the early morning of May 4, 2012, the plaintiff, Lisa Murata, who was approximately 5'1'' tall and weighed approximately 115 pounds, was walking outside in the vicinity of 3478 North Clark Street in Chicago, Illinois, when, without any provocation on her part, she was struck and knocked to the ground by the defendant [Nicholas] Pocius, a man nearly twice the size of the plaintiff who, at the time, was off duty but intoxicated and acting in an unruly, abusive, profane and threatening manner toward other bystanders and who, apparently, had already been involved in some physical alteration with one or more persons within the same vicinity," Murata says in the complaint.
"After being knocked to the ground, the plaintiff, Lisa Murata, fell upon her back with the defendant Pocius on top of her. When the plaintiff attempted to free herself from the defendant, the defendant Pocius bit the plaintiff on her left thigh."
Murata was taken to a hospital and treated for a human bite wound, she says.
When Murata went to file a complaint against Pocius at the police station, she was "placed under arrest by the defendant [W.A.] Seski and the defendant [Kevin] Leahy for the alleged offense of battery upon the defendant Pocius, which had been approved by defendant [J.A.] Hoffman, whereupon the plaintiff was handcuffed to a bench and left in the interview room. Thereafter, plaintiff was transferred to a holding cell and after having remained in custody for several hours the plaintiff was released under a $1,500.00 Recognizance Bond with directions that she appear before Branch 29-2 of the Circuit Court of Cook County on May 30,2012 to answer to this criminal charge filed against her," according to the complaint.
Murata says she collected evidence by placing another police officer, Nick Prazuch, at the scene of the alleged assault, and found inconsistencies between the paramedics' and police reports.
"While defendant Pocius admitted at the scene of the incident to paramedics from the Chicago Fire Department that he had been 'drinking all night' and exhibited the odor of alcohol and while defendant Pocius exhibited the odor of alcohol as well as an inability to walk straight to the triage nurse at St. Joseph Hospital, the Original Case Incident Report of the defendant responding officers described defendant Pocius as being 'sober' without any mention of alcohol intake on his part," the complaint states.
It adds: "That while the defendant Pocius had admitted to the triage nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital to being in an altercation at a bar, the Original Case Report of the defendant responding officers made no mention of a bar and, instead, reported that defendant Pocius as having been assaulted while 'standing on the sidewalk and attempting to smoke a cigarette."
Prosecutors dropped charges against Murata in April when she informed them whom she intended to call as witnesses, she says in the complaint. She claims that Pocius was never disciplined for assaulting her.
She seeks punitive damages for violation of due process, conspiracy, assault and battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.
She is represented by Timothy Okal.
Also named as defendants are Officers Joseph Siska, Edwin Dantes, S. Romanski, A. Warda, Paul Santangelo, and Ed Hurt. 
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