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Protesters take to the streets again to protest police brutality

PORTLAND, Ore. - Demonstrators took to the streets in downtown Portland Tuesday night during an anti-police brutality protest.

The protesters began their march at Pioneer Courthouse Square with a rally. Police said demonstrators have not told them their planned route and they don't have a permit.

About 20 protesters marched through Pioneer Place Mall and then hung out in its sky bridge, apparently trying to decide where to go next.

When the march began, protesters marched throughout downtown, staying on the sidewalks.

Shortly after 5:30 p.m., protesters went into one area where there were a lot of police on bicycles. They tried to start a dialogue with police to talk about police brutality. But the police got on their bikes and left the scene, upsetting many protesters.

One of the protesters said the march is not an Occupy Portland endorsed event but there are Occupy protesters in attendance. For the most part it was a peaceful march.

The march comes on the heels of another anti-police brutality march last week in Southeast Portland where 10 people were arrested.